YISS Middle School Visit 2023.11.08

We are grateful for the hard work our students put in each day. Dedicated to learning, listening, and growing, they are creating a future self we are all proud of. We also know the importance of taking care of our students and encourage and teach them to take healthy breaks. 

 On Wednesday, November 1, the middle school counseling office partnered with Fur All Dogs to provide one of these lessons. Juno, a Siberian Husky, and Mak, a Labrador mix, are licensed therapy dogs. They travel around Korea, helping out at schools, orphanages, and senior citizen events. On Wednesday, they joined Mrs. Pakos’s 6th and 7th grade ELL class and Mrs. Scott’s 6th grade Global Issues class. Students learned about therapy dogs from Fur All Dogs, including how they are used, the benefits they provide, and the extensive training that goes into dog therapy. Students were also able to interact with the dogs, give them treats, and take a unique break from a busy school day.